October 1, 1924 – December 29, 2024

It is with profound sadness that the US-Asia Institute (USAI) marks the passing of former President Jimmy Carter. He was an extraordinary man of vision and compassion, and a personal friend to our founders--Esther G. Kee and Joji Konoshima. President Carter was instrumental in the establishment of USAI. Recognizing the important role Asian Americans could play in US-Asia relations with their ancestral ties and unique insight into the historical and cultural nuances of the region, President Carter encouraged then-Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke to establish the National Advisory Council to the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau. From there, the US-Asia Institute was established in 1979 as an independent, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nongovernmental organization, and its work continues 46 years later. We are forever grateful for his vision and support. Our thoughts go out to President Carter’s family and the countless people whose lives he touched.

Highlights from our 45th Anniversary West Coast Forum | Empowering AANHPI Voices: Facing Challenges and Moving Forward

Highlights from our 2024 Lunar New Year Celebration:

Letter from Vice President Kamala Harris for the US-Asia Institute
